Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I have been revealing correspondence here which is not merely of personal interest I think, but shows what one deals with as a minister "in the front line" -- and shows where our society "is at". For some time I have been asking the police: on what information was I criminally charged at the close of my city ministry? At first they gave me unlawful refusals. I persisted. Col. Lento then summoned me, and two officers threatened me: the day I laid my hands on that information, they said, I would face bogus charges. I recorded the threat -- an officer's voice quivers as he delivers it. Then I received this anonymous message (below), which I reveal here for the first time. My blood ran cold. 496 means "You are charged." Who wrote it? No sign. Why should this interest me? No sign. This is what police do, it says, to "cover up their wrong".

Hey. Me n my brother got bogus charges laid against us by saps. Basically to cover up their wrong doing to us. We had a witness on our side who funnily enough became a state witness. So her statement contradicted the 2 saps statements. We spent a year in court, case eventually went to trial. The 2 saps members were a no show for majority of the case and never pitched for the trial. They never got arrested for skipping court. And the case got provisionally struck off the roll depending on whether the cops wanted to pursue the matter. Yjis was in july this year. Today we get a call from Claremont Saps saying we need to come pick up 496 forms so the case can continue. I smell something fishy here. Any advice?

OBSERVATION: This message would have seemed fairly much nonsense to me if I had not first received the threat in the meeting called by Col. Lento, by two SAPS members -- and had not previously received a bogus 496 in the station of which Col. Lento is commander. Or to put this more conservatively, Capt. Noemdo-Jefta informed me that a 496 I had received was bogus, the one concerning which I am seeking information. That is, if Capt. Noemdo-Jefta was right, the police set me up. Why does this matter now? A fresh push for the information appears to be in troubled waters under Capt. Johns, who is under Col. Lento. I was afraid of the threat -- or threats, if the anonymous message is a threat. Not any more. Which does not mean I don't think they would carry it out.

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