Monday, October 9, 2017

Necessary Troubles (Not)

In the past, as a minister, I have often jotted down notes of difficult situations. This morning I happened upon some notes that I jotted down in a situation with a deacon. The deacon screamed at me: "I don't care about the Constitution! I don't care about resolutions! I'll oppose you to your face! In the Church Meeting! I'll resign! I'll call all the deacons!" What was my offence? I put a paedophile out of our Church Youth -- although it only became clear some time after this altercation that he was a paedophile. At the moment, he is in jail. Not the deacon, but the paedophile. OBSERVATION: If only a minister's troubles seemed necessary. Usually they don't. At least not from the minister's point of view.

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