Friday, September 28, 2018

He Said She Said

Even South Africans are riveted by the testimony of American Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his accusers. If he were one of my counselees, I would suspect that if he is innocent, he knows something. In my own experience, there truly are cases of "credible" accusers who are not credible, and "credible" defendants who are not credible. There are both, and it may be very hard to tell the difference. It requires "the wisdom of Solomon" -- or the wisdom of Daniel, in the apocryphal Book of Susanna. Something that has baffled me in ministry is outwardly upright people, with a bullet-proof reputation, who spoke complete fictions with a poker face. I am speaking of cases where this is certain. OBSERVATION: The full story of Judge Kavanaugh may be told only in time -- or eternity -- if there is something to tell.

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