Thursday, September 27, 2018

Modern Statements Of Faith

Statements of faith are not what they once were. There is a kind of modern confession of faith which is both traditional and vital, both theological and applied, which very much appeal to me personally. One example among many is Hunter's Hill Congregational Church, where I once ministered during a working sabbatical. Their "vision":
 A hunger for God – an intense desire for intimacy with God, expressed in prayer and worship
 Passion for the Truth – as delivered to us in the Bible and most fully revealed in the person of Jesus Christ
 The leading of the Holy Spirit – so we are enabled, guided and held secure not by tradition but by the Spirit of God
 Grace – God’s undeserved favour for salvation and daily life
 Personal transformation – the process of change that begins with dying to self and being born again, and progressively makes us more like Jesus
 Freshness and creativity in our worship – especially through the Arts
 The individual in the life of the Body – the unique perspectives and contributions of the individuals who come together in the unity of Christ’s body
 Being salt and light – influencing those around us with the goodness of Christ
 Reaching out to share the joy of Christ with our community
 Love – as the tie that binds us together in deep connections with God, each other and the world

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