Monday, December 17, 2018

Advent Poem

Most Christmas seasons, I have asked a child to read this poem in Church. There is the temptation to read this one mechanically, so it is good to have a practice run. I do not know whose the poem is. I do not find it on the Internet.
Peace on Earth

Peace on earth, with a world at war?
O what were the angels singing for
That far-away night when the Star shone down
With a glorious light on Bethlehem town?

Peace on earth! they were singing of Him
Who was born that night to redeem from sin;
Who still has the power to cleanse and to heal
The contrite heart who is willing to kneel.

Peace on earth, amid sorrow and loss?
Yes, peace indeed, at the foot of the cross!
Peace in a world that is troubled and torn,
Peace in each heart where the Saviour is born.

Peace on earth, while the nations rage?
And history is making its darkest page?
Yes, peace on earth, for its steadfast light
Is burning in thousands of hearts tonight.


Anonymous said...


Lina Scarborough said...

It's startling, and very well written. Where did you come across it?

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

It's not on the Internet. At least not until now. I don't know who wrote it. I have 'ministry books' which go back generations. Maybe I found it in one of those.