Monday, December 17, 2018

Finance: The Turning Point

In light of recent rumours, I am putting up information on my blog, so that the facts may be clear. At the close of my city ministry, I called a Special Church Meeting. It was a Monday, on which I issued the call. A major purpose of this meeting was to set firmer financial accountability in place, including the following steps:
Adopt the recommendations of a Church consultant, and
Finalise the registration of the Church as an NPO
The very next day, there was a snap caucus meeting at the Church, and I was not invited. The day after that, I was ambushed with severe threats in a boardroom -- that is, criminal threats. I was told that these came out of the snap meeting. The day after that, notices of the Special Church Meeting were scrapped -- on the day they should have gone out. From there on, then, financial accountability in the Church was dismantled step by step (see Accountability Removed). OBSERVATION: Who was at the meeting? I asked a minister who witnessed it (click on ⊳ to Play). He named the principal finance officers, and the treasurer's brother-in-law, a lawyer.

POSTSCRIPT: We become numbed to such things, because we see it so often in the media. The shamefulness of what this means in the Church may be lost.

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