Wednesday, December 5, 2018

† Dr. Alex Boraine

Dr. Alex Boraine died today. I took this photo of him a few years ago. He proposed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, perhaps the most important Commission in the history of South Africa. OBSERVATION: He said on this occasion: "If there is no hell, it's imperative that justice should take place now." Yet this is not a satisfactory view. For very many people, it is without hope. It is without hope, too, for ministers (one may see my post Stressor: Helplessness). But not to dismiss such hope altogether. Teilhard de Chardin, who was of a similar view, said about suffering: "Necessarium est ut scandala eveniant." For now, suffering is absolutely necessary, a "by-product" on the way to a better future. Further reflection at The Phenomen of Man.

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