Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Reporting People (Not)

I am addressing some rumours at the present time. These have been both live and aggressive, so that this is current. At the close of my city ministry -- so it is said -- I reported various people for nothing, and all of them were cleared. The impression I have is that, having a supreme command of law -- or imagining that I did -- I made heavy accusations against various people -- for what purpose I am not sure. In fact I was not minded to report anyone for anything. I was injured, I was contending with severe intimidation, and I was seeking to come to terms with how I should deal with it all. My inner attitude was this: I did not know enough about rights and wrongs to report anyone. I was just a minister. But I sought clarity -- and as I deferentially showed a few people what I had been experiencing, they reacted strongly. I shall give an example later today, and why I decided, in fact, not to report people. OBSERVATION: It is strange how rumours so often state more or less the opposite of what is true. This needs to be unfolded ...

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