Thursday, December 6, 2018

Mea Culpa (But)

This one's a mea culpa I'm afraid (see recent posts). But not entirely. Looking at my records, I did finally hand documents to the police relating to two things: defamation, and fraud. An officer shut down one case by corruption (this is on record). The other case appears to be missing. With regard to fraud, the bank informed me that there was "fraudulent transaction" under my ministry, and set an alert on the Church account. There was no question about reporting this to police -- not only for its own sake, but for my sake, or I could be imperilled. Last month I asked a Church accountant how he could possibly have missed this, because he saw the same material as the bank did. Fraudulent transaction? he said. No, never! OBSERVATION: What am I to say? The bank informed me in writing of fraudulent transaction. One should note, though, that I myself have not claimed fraud. It is the same old story: I am a humble minister, not a banker (among other things). But frankly, people seem to be snoozing through these things.

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