Saturday, February 2, 2019

Cause And Effect

Cause and effect is something that shapes our thinking throughout. But does it exist? If it doesn't, it would shake up philosophy profoundly. It's not such a mad idea. Suppose there are infinite causes and infinite effects -- alternatively, suppose that the definitions of things reach into infinity. Those are fairly standard observations. That yields the result: everything causes everything. Yet cause and effect needs entities to exist. This is a view I had not found elsewhere -- until yesterday -- in this form:
"We think in terms of causality. It starts with perception. Perception is the act of converting the Unity of existence into the diversity we perceive, so we can perceive it. Once we perceive diversity, we begin to think causally" (Jeffrey Werbock).
OBSERVATION: This is a brilliant analysis. There have been other theories which deny cause and effect, and some go back a long way in history -- but it is the first time I have come across this one, except in my own writings. Not that cause and effect don't seem very real to us, and shape our existence.

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