Friday, February 15, 2019

Reckon With Raids

This is a post of 1 November 2008, which I shelved some years ago. I am re-posting it this morning. During the week, my vestry (office) had been searched:
"For the first time, today, I had a real chance to check which papers had been stolen from my vestry. I feel a bit shocked -- actually, more than a bit shocked. A large number of personal papers were taken. Valuables were untouched. The good news is that 'public' papers were left behind -- such as wedding registers and historical records. But my vestry was very, very thoroughly searched. However, every cloud has a silver lining. A box of chocolates was untouched."
OBSERVATION: After this, it happened again twice -- in 2013. In the case above, someone came forward and revealed who it was. Today the person responsible is in jail -- although for something else.

POSTSCRIPT: The first search was a good lesson. If Attorney Michael Cohen had had it, he surely wouldn't have got into a pickle through an FBI raid. If you are a minister, especially in eventful times, reckon with a raid, and consider no place safe for your personal papers.

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