Tuesday, May 7, 2019

My Changing Sermons

I have used old sermons -- but when I have, I have rewritten them completely. It's interesting to note, though, what changes as the years roll on:
• Language. My language is now greatly simplified. It is more colloquial, too.
• Structure. My structure, too, is greatly simplified. There are also less detours from my text.
• Experience. Scripture is now woven together a lot more with experience. Earlier sermons were more in the "ideas" realm.
• Apologetics. I used to use apologetics frequently. Now I tend to let the Word speak "as it is".
• And my sermons now refer far more to a wonderful God whose presence makes everything different. In earlier sermons, I didn't always introduce the bg picture.
OBSERVATION: I return to a sermon only if it is more than three years old.

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