Saturday, June 22, 2019

Sharing Perspectives

To put it rather too simply, I have two degrees in Church leadership. It's good to see that a forthcoming webinar of the South African Theological Seminary -- a major African seminary -- will feature Dr. Vuyani Sindo, who has referenced my work, and shares vital perspectives with me. On 10-12 July, Dr. Sindo (pictured) will explore "leadership and identity". OBSERVATION: My work on Christian Transformational Leadership represented an early, systematic attempt to provide an alternative to a cluster of American leadership theories. We are just beginning to feel the influence of these theories in Africa, and in my view, we really don't need them, except as curiosities.

POSTSCRIPT: I have altered this post. Some thought I might be suggesting plagiarism of my work. This is not so. Dr. Sindo is a solid, reputable academic. Many scholars have referenced my work on leadership, including (among others) KJ Pali, C Fee, J Burchfield, JSA Wilson, W DeJesus, G Anderson, CNAH Hernandez, DW Davis, BAA White, DB Barrass, K Pearson, C  Bledsoe, R Hendricks, C McCall, G Choi, GW Davis, FVZ Slabbert, and ... VS Sindo.

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