Monday, October 28, 2019


I have reached the end of a year-long phase in writing my metaphysic. This week I completed all editing, 40 chapters, 333 pages, three editors. Now I have it in book form, and shall read it all through once. If that yields no problems, it is on to the next phase: seeking formal endorsements. In the image, one sees a small sample of informal endorsements I have received. If I obtain similar endorsements formally, I could not wish for more. OBSERVATION: I would think it is the first metaphysic of its kind since Schopenhauer. There have been others, for example Whitehead, though they were quite restricted in scope. They offered one a key to the front door, but not to the rooms inside. You may click on the image to enlarge.

CORRECTION: I forgot about two chapters I have with an editor for a final check. It's a re-check.

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