Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Deathbed Counsel

This post is simply a reflection of the kinds of things that people want to talk about on their deathbed. People find it difficult, sometimes, to talk about such things to their family, even doctors.
"Should I share my fears with my family?"
"Should I accept treatment?"
"How will I pay for this?"
"How do you assess my situation?"
"How shall I keep my spirits up?"
"Should I know what is wrong with me?"
"What shall I do to right what is wrong?"
"Should I be cremated?"
"Should I believe in a miracle?"
"Should I have a formal funeral?" 
OBSERVATION: In my experience, a minister may be the only person providing answers to such questions. The answers can be important. Take, for instance, "How do you assess my situation?" There may be no one answering that, where a very great deal depends on it.

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