Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Producing Proof (Not)

Lest I speak in riddles, here is some detail about one of the false statements I have been speaking about on my blog. Some have attempted, namely, to prove that my connections with my old city Church are severed -- but the "proof" they have been turning up is simply false. For those who are familiar with the facts, cast your mind back to my marriage to E. Then the year before that. During that year, interim minister Rev. Conradie stated, I "resigned as the minister ... and membership". This was not a casual statement, but he made it in writing to attorneys, on 20 August 2019. OBSERVATION: This is simply not so, in more ways than one. My attorneys stated on my behalf that such a resignation "does not exist". I briefly addressed another false statement on this blog on Saturday -- my fictitious membership of a certain organisation.

POSTSCRIPT: My attorneys wrote: "If one should wish to expel him, one should not hope to get it right the third or fourth or fifth time."

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