Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Dream System

I dreamt last night that the government gave all citizens a handful of little coloured plastic beads which looked like Smarties. Different citizens were handed different "Smarties" -- individualised Smarties. Everywhere one went, then, one deposited a Smartie. Thus a large network was created through which infected persons could be traced. OBSERVATION: I don't know whether the system in my dream had any  merits -- I only describe it here, without having thought about it.

POSTSCRIPT: It could be the basis for an action game. Mix up a hall of youth, say, who exchange Smarties at speed -- then see how long it takes individuals to trace things back to origins. Something like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There has been a spike in weird dreams, worldwide, as people grapple with their bizarre circumstances. A form of post-traumatic stress, perhaps.