Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Doubtful Data

This got me down today. I have an agent, whom I trust -- have trusted. He said that he had sent me notice on my apartment. I said I hadn't ever seen that -- it was news to me -- I only had a written assurance that the lease would run its full course -- and I sent that to him. Oh, he said, then I hadn't received the notice -- in terms of which the lease had been cut short. He sent it. I checked the data stamped into the notice. There was only one version of this notice, it showed, and it was created today. If it had been the real thing, it should have been created a good while ago. Not only that, but he had attached it to his e-mail, where it should have been forwarded -- again, to preserve an original date. But even so, there was enough wrong besides to invalidate the notice! The agent then sent me another notice, which preserved the full run of the lease, to the end. OBSERVATION: I e-mailed him, and told him: this had got me down. There was a shadow over him now. Could he please forward me the original notice? It would set my heart at rest. Watch this space.

POSTSCRIPT: It shows the importance of detail, and this is something South Africans don't tend to have an eye for: the omission of a signature, a missing receipt, an invalid data stamp ... As for further developments, I may have received an apology. Apologies are not always direct, but come in many forms.

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