Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Schism of Donatus

I was reading last night of the first schism in the Church -- the Schism of Donatus. It was typical of modern Church conflict. The great persecutions of the Church came to an end. Some had wavered under persecution, or fled. Some had died. Some had survived torture or imprisonment. Now one had those boasting of their suffering -- and those who had faltered -- and those who had simply been lucky. Some now took pride in what they had done for Christ, and scorned others who had failed. One woman carried the bone of a martyr everywhere and kissed it. The clergy generally showed mercy -- given that Christians were penitent. It was a conflict of law and grace -- or more fundamentally, of Christians who "got it" and those who didn't. The legalistic Christians eventually destroyed themselves through their own doctrine -- but it took a long time. Also, as time went on -- curiously -- they were revealed as corrupt.

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