Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Machines In A Muddle

Alas, computers don't always tell the truth. This morning I obtained a balance from a Spark ATM which showed that I had vastly less money than I thought I had -- call it sum A. According to Spark, I was on the financial brink. I did a quick calculation in my head. I obtained a balance then from an FNB ATM -- call it sum B. This showed that I had vastly more -- in fact, just what I had calculated in my head. I got home and checked my e-mails, only to receive a balance from FNB which showed that I had just a third of sum B -- call it sum C. I double-checked with FNB, to discover that sum B -- the calculation in my head -- was correct. How machines can get in such a muddle I don't know. For once, the human being was correct.

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