Thursday, March 3, 2016

Annoying A+

One of my Master's degrees was a "taught" Master's (my other Master's degree was a "research" Master's). But I got annoyed when the sum total that they wrote on a term's work was "A+". I paid an average R20 000 per course (one can buy a second hand Mercedes Benz here for that) -- and all I saw was "A+". Wife E. says: "I would be glad!" But I felt that I learnt nothing about all the toil I put in. Besides , "A+" seemed an unlikely story to me. I sent one "A+" back, and said try again. I still got an "A+". OBSERVATION: Someone explained to me that, at some institutions in the USA, the class results get graphed, then the whole graph gets lifted until the peak touches 100%. Every term, somebody has to get an A+. (My alma mater was the well known Fuller).

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