Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Rapprochement (Not)

Recently I blogged about stories which surfaced after a police meeting (Saved By The Tape). This was quite serious. I asked to see the minister concerned. Apart from this, though, my old Sea Point Church had voted to relate to the same minister's Church for a year. This, he wrote, involved his regularly meeting with their leadership (see the image). I could do with a hand, I said, in view of major outstanding issues there. He wrote: "I am not involved with Sea Point Church." One might be forgiven for being confused. All things considered, I thought that the denomination might work some good here. An elder of his Church wrote to me: "He is an Anglican priest." I got in touch with the diocese. His diocese replied: "He is no longer part of the Anglican Church." In fact, they had no idea where he was. Again, an elder of his Church wrote to me: being a united Church, their minister had three covering bodies, "Congregational, Methodist, and Presbyterian". I tried the Presbyterians. "He has nothing to do with us," they said. I tried the Congregational Church. There was no response. I contacted the Methodist Church. They wrote: "We do not know of him at all," and they followed up: one should "ask some more questions to find out who he really is!?" OBSERVATION: It was a complete bafflement. Turn the tables, and I would have said to me: "Come and have a coffee."

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