Monday, July 18, 2016

Near Death Experiences

Fortuitously, I became aware of near death experiences, or out of body experiences, early on in my ministry, so I picked up what people were saying to me after that. About 10-15 people have shared such experiences with me. Here's an example. D. was a good-looking young woman in her 30's, who had a series of heart attacks and strokes. They had "brought her back" from a heart attack, and I visited her in hospital. She said: "I met Jesus Christ. I was overwhelmed by His love. It was incredible. I didn't want to go back. But He said I had to go back." Then: "Why did He reject me? Does He have something for me to do here? What am I supposed to do?" She recovered well enough, and was discharged from hospital, but died not long after.

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