recently joined the "inside" debate on the student unrest in South Africa. I feel privileged to have been admitted to a large group, part moderate, part (very) radical. Thinking on my previous post today, on the completeness of the Church, I have been trained all the years to look for
completeness and to nurture it. What strikes me about the group I am in is (among other things) that I see no one of my own generation there -- so far. This means to me that a large group of students is struggling with the questions of their lives, at least in this circle, without vital perspective.
OBSERVATION: But when I say "perspective", I mean the
broader view, rather than the
correct view. I took the seven-second video on Wednesday.
Video unfortunately not playable - disappointed!
Sorry about that. I just checked it, and it plays under Firefox. It also plays on Facebook, where it is quite popular on a closed group. My e-mail is scarboro@iafrica.com. If you like, feel free to e-mail me and I'll send you the clip. It's 1.3MB.
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