Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Experiments In Magnetism

Yesterday I submitted my magnetometer for publication. Here in simple terms is the biggest discovery. The European Space administration recently revealed that, at satellite height, moving magnetic fields of a few nT were found in the ocean (see the image). Apply the inverse cube law (magnetic field strength at a distance), and this means huge magnetic fields at sea level. My experiments are the only experiments I know of on the ground. They show that the ocean's magnetic fields are so big, and so active, that they almost completely swamp magnetic fields of small objects at the ocean's edge. An example: they reduced the detection of a neodymium button magnet from ±3 metres to ±1 metre. This is not a linear reduction, because it is the inverse cube law, which means that a neodymium button magnet's magnetic field was swamped about 30:1, given the way I conducted the experiment (namely, seeking maximum detection range).

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