Friday, January 25, 2019

Auditor's Pretence (Continued)

Yesterday I posted about a rumour which has resurfaced in my city Church (see Auditor's Pretence). I said the rumour does my credibility no good -- and there have been a lot of that sort around. After my discussion with the legal director of the IRBA (yesterday's post), the Church treasurer, with five officers of the Church, apologised in writing for "wrongdoing" (see the letter below). OBSERVATION: Yet the letter was misleading. Among other things:
• The IRBA proposed a review of the finances. But when it happened, it prohibited the reviewer from expressing an opinion. • The letter claims that I knew. However, correspondence with our Church attorney proves otherwise. • Officers claimed to be unfamiliar with the Church constitution. But a written question in a Church Meeting asked about auditor and constitution. • This letter places "the leadership" in charge of the finances. In a Congregational Church, they may not be in charge.
To put it simply, they avoid a crucial review, falsely accuse the minister, plead ignorance of their rules, and seize control of the finances. Why? One may click on the images to enlarge.

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