Friday, January 25, 2019

Heartbreaking Impasse

I was faced with a “heartbreaking impasse” once. A congregant who was terminally ill checked herself out of hospital -- I don't know how. Two hospital porters put her on a stretcher, wheeled her to a taxi, and lifted her in. She ordered the taxi to the Church. Then she demanded to be carried into the Church. But how? She cried in pain whenever anyone tried to move her. I said to her: “Settle down. Let’s talk about what we can do here.” But she didn’t have a mind to talk about anything at all. It was all panic and pain. After some negotiation with a local hospice, we ordered the taxi to the hospice, and asked the taxi driver to bill the Church. As the taxi drove away, someone said, "It breaks my heart. Was there nothing we could do?" OBSERVATION: But there was a silver lining. The hospice took her in.

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