Sunday, May 26, 2019

If I Could ...

There are three ideas of mine which -- if I had the time -- I would love to become a reality -- though I do not have the time:
• A new genre operating system, which would succeed command lines and graphical user interfaces. It would create virtual worlds in which one moves around.
• An atmospheric charge monitor mounted on Table Mountain, to be powered off the sun, to indicate charge on the atmosphere with green, orange, and red lights.
• A precision sundial which could be worn on the wrist, with 5 minute accuracy -- namely, an accuracy which well exceeds that of a common garden sundial. 
OBSERVATION: I have had proof of concept for the last two, in both cases published, and there is ample proof of concept for the first, as early as the 1980s -- for example Yes Prime Minister (this is a video).

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