Monday, September 23, 2024

Drug-Resistant Staph

In 2013, at the close of my city ministry, I was attacked in my robes, in the Church vestibule. I was quite badly hurt, since I was thrown backwards against great door fixings. It was most of a year before I got my strength back. But the physical injuries were just the beginning. I then went down with fever after fever -- and a raft of symptoms. The doctor diagnosed staph (Staphylococcus -- often caused by cuts, scratches, and scrapes). He prescribed antibiotics. The staph turned out to be resistant. He tried again. Again it was resistant. He tried again -- a last line of attack, he said -- and now he appeared to cure me -- though I needed further cures in time. OBSERVATION: Drug-resistant staph is dangerous, and fevers put me out of action many times.

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